Friday, March 5, 2010


Basic information about Emu

1 Origin Australia
2 Family Ratite
3 Purpose of rearing Oil, Meat, Skin and feather
4 Life span 30-35 years
5 Chick weight at hatch 400 –450 g
6 Adult body weight 40-50 kg
7 Height 5-6 feet
8 Age at sexual maturity 18 – 24 months
9 Slaughter age 14 - 16 months
10 Sex ratio 1:1
11 Paddock requirement for breeding 500 - 1000 Sq. ft. / pair
12 Paddock requirement for slaughter 50 - 100 Sq. ft. / bird
13 Egg weight 500 – 800 g
14 Shell colour Emerald green
15 No of Toes 3
16 Incubation period 48-52 days
17 No. of egg produced/year 30-50 eggs
18 Dressing meat yield 30 – 40 %
19 Leather produced/bird 8 – 10 Sq. ft. / bird
20 Feather yield / bird 400 - 600 g
21 Feed type Omnivores
22 Hatchability 80 – 90 %
23 Handling Curious and docile
24 Oil production / bird 5 - 6 liters
25 Running speed 60 km/hr
26 Laying pattern Lays an egg every 3 rd day
27 Laying Time Late evening and early morning Nov to march


Emu oil is a versatile product that is valued for its potential use in cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. The most intriguing property of emu oil is its ability to penetrate human skin. Skin penetration is an important feature in cosmetic, pharmaceutical and medicinal products. As a result, emu oil may possibly be an alternative to liposome’s as a drug delivery system. The fatty acid composition of emu oil is very similar to the oil secreted by human skin glands. This possibly explains the penetrating, moisturizing and conditioning ability of emu oil on the skin.
5.1.a. Properties of Pure Emu oil
Emu oil is rendered from a thick pad of fat on the back of the bird that was apparently provided by nature to protect the animal from the extreme temperatures in its Australian homeland.
• Highly Penetrating.
• Anti-inflammatory
• Good emulsifier
• Bacteriostatic
• Low potential for irritation of the human skin
• Non-comedogenic & Good moisturizer
• Anit-aging and wound healing
5.1.b Uses of Pure emu oil
 Emu oil is a natural product with diverse application
 Emu oil can help to reduce the appearance of ageing since it can thicken thskin.
 Emu oil is a healthy, complex, topical, or ingestible oil, which contain a natural anti inflammatory and trans-dermal property it is an ideal choice for arthritis and rheumatism.
 Emu oil can fill up the scars caused by pimples.
 Emu oil is highly suited for curing the sprains, pulled muscle and sore joints the sportsmen frequently met with.
 High penetrating property - the hallmark of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and medicinal products.
 Hence an ideal alternate to liposome

5.2 Emu meat
5.2.a Taste the new delicacy – The Gourmet

Emu meat is dark red and 98% fat free. Taste is delicious, meat is other wise known as new heart healthy’. Emu meat is rich in protein, irons, magnesium, potassium and other minerals. Due to its mild flavour meat accepts most seasonings. Meat respond well to sweet marinades made with honey, soy sauce, ginger, lemon juice and garlic. Low fat emu meat loses moisture quickly and it is advisable for moist heat cook
The Gourmet, as the emu meat is scientifically known is a lean red meat similar to beef both in taste and appearance. It is lower in fat than chicken, mutton, beef and pork Gourmet is free from chemical additives or preservatives since emu birds are raised in a natural atmosphere.

Gourmet is an excellent alternative for health conscious consumers who loves the traditional taste of red meat.
Gourmet owes its heart friendly nature to its low cholesterol level. Hence gourmet is rightly called as the SUPER FOOD NEW MELLENNIUM
( Serving size 100 g raw meat)
Analysis Emu Catfish Chicken Turkey Beef
Protein ( g) 23.3 18.2 23.1 22.3 19.9
Calories ( kcal) 109 113 110 104 225
Sodium ( mg) 71.6 63 65 61 55
Calcium ( mg) 0.3 40 11 12 5
Iron ( mg) 5.0 1.0 0.7 1.4 2.1
Cholesterol (mg) 57.5 58 64 73 65
Fat ( g) 1.7 4.3 1.2 1.6 15.6
Saturated Fat ( g) 0.6 1.0 0.3 0.6 6.5
Monoun– saturated fat ( g) 0.7 1.6 0.3 0.7 7.2
Polyun- saturated fat ( g) 0.4 1.0 0.3 0.4 0.6