Thursday, December 3, 2009


1.Ofcourse, no one can be expected 2 b matter of all subjects under d sun. so, selective reading pays.
2.Never waste ur time by reading all trash.
3.Always bear in mind ur ultimate goal while choosing material 4 reading.
4.Make a note of what u watch on tv & read in newspapers. it is especially useful in case of national & international events.
scan through these notes b4 u go 4 ur interview.
5.Check on whatever u hav given abt urself in biodata,ur hobbies,xtracurricular activites,research work.NSS,etc.
The board wud like 2 know more abt u through ur pursuits.
6.U vl always b richer wen knowledge of commissions & ommissions of those who hav made it 2 civils. wat cud b more rewarding & enlightening than on d spot & 1sthand xperience of dese gurus.
7.Shud hav xtensive knowledge on all subjects & display capacity 2 argue ur case rationally,logically & convincingly.
8.U shud hav ability 2 analyse d problem in depth & ur virdict is not only correct but hints at nature of nations power shift which is of primary importance 2 us.
9.Study in a crefully selected group of fellow aspirants always helps provided all d members r fully motivated & atleast as reasonable as 2 make collaboration meaningful.
10.It helps 2 cut costs save time & build motivation.
Use internet in a right manner 2 achieve civils.........
11.Hav a knack 4 both essentials & minute details.
12.B Cheerful & learn 2 get on wid all.
both cheerfulness & degree of sociability u cultivate vud demonstrarte how deep is ur self confidence.
13.The personality test is not a mere verbal duel or just a hollow xercise in d members asking a few questions & u ur answering dem,just as u r keen 2 enter new treshold, dey vud let u in only if u hav d basic material 2 manage things in d best possible manner.
14.Remember dat dey vl c thru evrything 2 assess veder u can really take up d issues since d personality characteristics r adjusted on d basis of ur views,ideas & responses, try 2 form ur own indepth analysis of men & matters.
15.Try 2 handle delicate & controversial issues vid commendable tact,resorcefulness & pursuasiveness. Never take a rigid stand,but b free,frank & bold 2 xpress ur views.
16.Keep urself up2date vid world around u n make ur own analysis of evry branch of activity 4m poltical,socioeconomic 2 cultural n scientific.

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