Sunday, December 13, 2009


Human Blood-

Human blood is a fluid which involves in connecting tissue
The quantity of blood in human body is 7% of total body weight
The pH of human blood is 7.4
There is 5-6 liters of blood in human body
The main function of blood into human body is to control temperature of body and conduction of oxygen, carbon dioxide, digested food and hormones into human body. Its WBCs also provide us resistance to disease [Immunity]

Human blood consists following 2 substances-

1. Plasma-

This is the liquid part of blood. 60% of our blood is plasma. Its 90% is water, 7% protein, 0.9% salt and 0.1% glucose. The main function of plasma is transportation of digested food and hormones

2. Blood Corpuscles-

This is the remaining 40% part of blood. It can be further divided into 3 categories-

1. RBCs [Red Blood Corpuscles]-

RBC is formed into Bone marrow and there is no nucleus in it [exception camel and lama]. Its life span is from 20 to 120 days. It contains hemoglobin, which is responsible for its red color. The iron compound found in hemoglobin is “haematin” and Globin is a proteinous compound which is extremely capable to combine with oxygen and CO2. The main function of RBCs is to carry oxygen to all cells of the body and bring back the CO2. Anemia disease is caused due to deficiency of hemoglobin.

2. WBCs [White Blood Corpuscles]-

They are similar to structure of amoeba. Its life span is from 1 to 2 days. Nucleus is always present into WBCs. Their main function is to protect body from diseases [Immunity power]. The ratio of RBC and WBC into human blood is 600: 1

3. Platelets –

It is found into the blood of human and other mammals. There is no nucleus into platelets. Its life span is from 3 to 5 days. Its main function is clotting of blood. It dies in spleen

Blood Group-

Blood group was discovered by “Landsteiner” into 1900, for which he was awarded with Noble prize in 1930. The main reason for the difference into blood group of human is the “gylo protein” which is found in RBCs called antigen

Antigen can be classified into 2 groups-

1. Antigen A

2. Antigen B

Blood group of human is determined by presence of antigen or gylo protein [there are 4 combination of them]-

If our blood contains antigen A- Blood group will be A
If our blood contains antigen B- Blood group will be B
If our blood contains antigen A & B- Blood group will be AB
If our blood contains none of antigen- Blood group will be O

Like antigen an opposite type of protein is found in blood plasma, called “antibody.” They are also of two types-

1. Antibody a

2. Antibody b

The presence of antibody into above discussed four blood groups is as follows-

Blood Group




Only A

Only b


Only B

Only a


Both A & B




Both a & b

Blood transfusion-

From table given above, we can easily observed that Antigen A and Antibody a, similarly Antigen B and Antibody b cannot live together. In case of so happened these get most sticky, which resulted into spoil of blood. This situation is known as “Agglutination of Blood.” Therefore, during blood transfusion adjustment of antigen and antibody should be done very carefully. This is the reason that why you cannot donate blood to every other human, who have a different blood group than yours

Blood group O is called universal donor because it does not contains any antigen
Blood group AB is called universal acceptor because it does contains any antibody

Rh Factor-

In 1940, Landsteiner and Wiener discovered that there is a different type of antigen into blood which is known as Rh factor. They discovered it into “Rhesus Monkeys Blood” therefore it is called Rh factor. In human blood it is not found into every person. A person in whose blood Rh factor is present, that person is called Rh+ and a person in whose blood it is absent is called Rh-. At the time of blood transfusion Rh factor also plays a critical role as Rh+ can donate to Rh+ and Rh- can donate Rh- only

Possible blood group of children on basis of blood group of their parents-

Blood group of Father and Mother

Expected Blood group of child

O x O


O x A

O and A

O x B

O and B

O x AB

A and B

A x A

A and O

A x B

O, A, B and AB

A x AB

A, B, and AB

B x B

B, O

B x AB

A, B and AB


A, B and AB

**Cockroach’s blood is made of plasma and hemocytes that’s way it is colorless

Some amazing facts about blood-

There are approximately 100,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body
By donating just one pint of blood, four lives can be saved
Blood is such a good stain that Native Americans used it for paint
The kidneys filter over 400 gallons of blood each day
Your blood takes a very long trip through your body. If you could stretch out all of a human’s blood vessels, they would be about 60,000 miles long. That’s enough to go around the world twice

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