Thursday, December 17, 2009


Weekly world news quiz

It's the end of another week... Just how much do you remember about the headlines from the past seven days?

Test your knowledge of world news events in our quiz.

When you've got your result, why not e-mail the quiz to your friends to see how they measure up?

Question 1
"Love always triumphs over envy and hate," was said by whom this week?

A: Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi

B: Tiger Woods's caddy

C: The Archdeacon of a church in Auckland, at the centre of a row over a poster depicting Mary and Joseph in bed together
Question 2
A railway company in Japan is to install special cameras on its Tokyo commuter trains to help deal with what problem?

A: Drinking

B: Groping

C: Gambling
Question 3
Russian economist Yegor Gaidar - architect of a transformation of the country's economy towards the free market - died this week. What economic model was he associated with?

A: The Pinochet system

B: The Chicago Model

C: Shock therapy
Question 4
President Barack Obama wrote a personal letter to the North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, apparently urging him to return to nuclear talks. Such letters to North Korea are rare. Who wrote the last one?

A: President George W Bush

B: President Bill Clinton

C: President Jimmy Carter
Question 5
The Irish parliament is reviewing its house rules after a lawmaker's expletive-ridden outburst this week. The offending 'F-word' is not on the parliament's banned list, unlike which of the following?

A: Rat

B: Scumbag

C: Buffoon

D: All of the above
Question 6
A first-century AD shroud discovered in a tomb near Jerusalem's Old City has, according to some scientists, cast doubt on the authenticity of the controversial Turin Shroud. How?

A: The weave used in the latest find is an older style than that used in the Turin Shroud

B: The two shrouds are completely different shapes

C: The flax in the recently discovered shroud was much older than that in the Turin shroud
Question 7
Scientists have revealed their surprise at discovering a certain type of octopus picks up coconut shells off the sea bed and runs off with them, indicating a rare example of tool use. What did they do with them?

A: Bang them together to attract a mate

B: Use them as shelters

C: Eat out of them

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