Monday, January 25, 2010

26/11 - the Mumbai Attacks

1. The attack on 26/11 was so shocking that it was referred to as India’s 9/11! The 26/11 attack was the first terror attack of its kind in the city of Mumbai.

Mumbai is the financial capital of India and houses not only the stock exchange but is the headquarters of many a business corporation. Mumbai has had to face terror attacks more than once. Mumbai faced a major terror attack in 1993, when terrorists launched a series of bomb attacks at 13 places killing more than 250 people. From 2002 to 2003, there were more than 5 attacks killing more than 60 people. On July 11th 2006, terrorists planted bombs in trains killing more than 200 people. The city of Mumbai unfortunately had become a prime target for terrorism.
2. Which was the terrorist organization believed to be behind the 26/11 attack? Lashkar-e-Toiba
The Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) is a terrorist organization that has launched many a terrorist attack against India. LeT has carried out number of strikes in the troubled Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir and is also believed to be behind the 1993, 2003 and 2006 attacks in Mumbai. LeT is believed to receive technical and logistical support from ISI – the Pakistan Intelligence agency.

3. How did the terrorists reach Mumbai to carry out the attack? By boat
On 26th November 2008, ten terrorists entered Mumbai by boat. It is believed that the ten terrorists came from Karachi, took over a fishing trawler (Kuber) and then used an inflatable boat to land at Mumbai near Colaba. The terrorists are believed to have landed at 8:00pm and the terror attacks began at 9:20pm.
4. Which among the following places was NOT a target of the terrorists? Bombay The CST Railway station, Oberoi Trident Hospital, Taj Mahal Hotel and Nariman House,Stock Exchange
The terrorists struck at the following places – The CST Railway station, Oberoi Trident Hospital, Taj Mahal Hotel and Nariman House. They also had skirmishes with the police near Metro Cinema and Cama hospital. The Bombay Stock Exchange, which was targeted in 1993, was not attacked this time.
5. The chief of the Mumbai anti-terrorist squad was among the first to be killed in the attack. True
The city of Mumbai was shocked when they learnt that Hemant Karkare, the Chief of the Mumbai anti-terrorist squad was killed in the terror attack. After the terrorists attacked the CST railway station, they moved on to Cama hospital, where Hemant Karkare accompanied by other key officers including Ashok Kamte, the Additional Commissioner of police took on the terrorists. While the police officers were on the chase, they were ambushed by two of the terrorists, who killed them and took their car and fled from the scene.
6. Which was the Indian organization that led the counter-attack on the terrorists? NSG
The NSG or the National Security Guard is a commando force (known as Black Cats) whose main responsibility is fighting terrorists. The NSG commandos were flown in from their base in Delhi to lead the attack against the terrorists. The RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) and IB (Intelligence Bureau) are the Indian intelligence agencies which faced severe criticism after the attacks. The Shiv Sena is a Mumbai based right-wing political party.

7. What happened to the terrorists after the attack?

Nine were killed and one captured
The terrorists targeted three main places – the Taj Mahal hotel, the Oberoi/Trident hotels and Nariman house. Two other terrorists carried out attacks at other places as a diversionary attack. While the two of them were attempting to flee, they were stopped by the Mumbai police. One of the terrorists died and the other Ajmal Amir Kasab was captured alive. Most of the information about the background of the attack is based on the confessions of the captured terrorist Ajmal Amir Kasab.All the terrorists at the Taj Mahal, Oberoi and Trident hotels and the Nariman House were killed by the NSG commandos after a prolonged attack.
8. What was the total number of casualties in the terror attack? 188 killed, 293 injured
The 26/11 attack on Mumbai was one of the worst terrorist attacks in India. The bloody siege at the Taj and Oberoi hotels saw the death of many innocent people. A total of 188 people were killed and 293 injured in the attacks. Out of the dead, 158 were Indians and the others included 4 Americans, 4 Australians, and 2 Israelis. The terrorists deliberately targeted Nariman House, which was a Jewish centre. Among the dead were 15 policemen and 2 commandos.
9. There was severe criticism of the government in power after the attack and heads rolled after the attack. Who among the following were NOT among those who had to resign in the days following the attack?

The Chief Minister and Home Minister of Maharashtra ,The Mumbai Commissioner of Police
The UPA Government in power in India at the time of the attack had been under attack for not taking stringent measures against terrorism. After the attacks, the Indian Government and the Government of the state of Maharashtra (where Mumbai is located) were severely criticized for intelligence failures, for failing to take quick action and not strengthening security measures. In the fallout from the Mumbai attack, the Home Minister of India Shivraj Patil submitted his resignation from the Union cabinet. The Chief Minister and Home Minister of Maharashtra Vilasrao Deshmukh and RR Patil also had to resign.

10. There was immense pressure on the Government of Pakistan to take action against those believed to be responsible for the attack. Which international leader visited Pakistan just after the attack to pressurize them to act? US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice
In the wake of the terrorist attacks, world leaders joined in to condemn the attack. The confessions of the captured terrorist revealed that the Lashkar-e-Toiba was behind the attacks. Also there was evidence to suggest that the ISI, Pakistan’s intelligence wing, was behind the attack. India issued a demarche to Pakistan demanding action against the leaders of the LeT in Pakistan. The US Secretary of state Condoleeza Rice visited India on 4th December 2008. She also visited Pakistan and made it clear that if Pakistan does not act, then the US would! As a result of the international pressure, Pakistan arrested key leaders of the LeT including Hafiz Saeed. The UN Security Council also stepped in and passed a resolution to ban the Jamaat-ud-Dawa, believed to be the front organization of the LeT.

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