Monday, January 11, 2010



3000-1500 : Indus valley civilization
327-326 : Alexanders invasion of india
313 : Accession of chandragupta maurya
332-273 : Reign of ashoka
58 : Epoch of vikram era


78 :Epoch of saka era
120 :Accession of kanishka
320 :Commencement of gupta era
380 :Accession of vikramadithya
405-411 :Travels of fahien
606 :Accession of Harshavardhana
712 :First Arab invasion of sind
1001 :First invasion of india by Mahamud of Ghajni
1191 :First battle of Tarain
1192 :Second battle of Tarain
1206 :Accession of Qutub-ud-Din
1221 :Invasion of Changez Khan
1236 :Accession of Razia sultana
1296 :Accession of Alauddin khilzi
1325 :Accession of Mohd bin tuqhlaq
1334 :Arrival of Ibn-Batutah
1336 :Foundation of Vijayanagara Empire
1398 :Invasion of Timur Lang
1469 :Birth of Guru Nanak
1498 :First voyage of vascodigama,Discovery of sea route 2 India
1509 :Accession of Krishnadevaraya
1526 :First battle of panipat;
Foundation of Mughal rule
1556 :Second battle of panipat
1565 :Battle of Tallikota;Ruin of Vijaynagar
1576 :Battle of Haldighat;Rana pratap defeated by Akbar
1600 :Establishment of East india company
1605 :Death of Akbar
1627 :Birth of Shivaji
1634 :The English were permitted 2 trade in Bengal
1681 :Death of Shivaji
1739 :Invasion of Nadir shah
1757 :Battle of Plassey;Establishment of British rule in India
1760 :Battle of Vandiwash
1761 :Third Battle of Panipat
1764 :Battle of Buxar
1770 :Great Bengal Famine
1773 :The Regulating Act
1784 :Pitts India Act
1793 :Permanent settlement of Bengal
1853 :First Railway opened in India from Mumbai 2 Thana
1857 :First Battle of Independence or Indian Mutiny
1885 :Foundation of Indian National Congress
1905 :First Partition of Bengal under Lord Curzon
1906 :Foundation of Muslim League
1909 :Minto-Morley Reforms
1911 :Delhi bcomes the Capital of India
1914-18 : First World War
1919 :Montague-Chelmsford Reforms,Jallianwala Bagh Massacre at Amritsar;Rowlat Act....
1920 :Khilafat Movement
1921 :Chauri Chaura outrage in U.P.
1927 :Broadcasting starts in India
1929 :Resolution of complete independence pased at Lahore Congress
1930 :Dandi March by Gandhi
1931 :Gandhi-Irwin Act
1935 :Govt. of India Act
1937 :Provincial Autonomy; Formation of popular Governements
1939-45 :Second World War
1942 :Quit India Movement
1943 :Formation of Indian National Army
1945 :Shimla Conference; Formation of U.N.O.
1947 :India Independence;India Divided

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